IBR Unscripted
Contact: May Young
9:00 to 11:30 am
Salon H - Marriott Rivercenter
This session of the IBR Annual Meeting offers biblical scholars the opportunity to present their new and innovative ideas in an engaging forum inspired by the famous TED talks. Scholars will speak without notes and are encouraged to use a variety of media to help the audience interact with their ideas. A generous discussion time will follow each presentation. For more information, see Institute for Biblical Research (https://www.ibr-bbr.org/).
May Young, Taylor University, Presiding
Michelle Knight, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“On Prophets, Warriors, and Saviors: The Subversion of Expectations in Judges 4-5” (17 min)
Discussion (17 min)
Break (17 min)
Michael J. Rhodes, Carey Baptist College
"Seeking the Welfare of the City When the Empire’s Listening: Exploring Politics with Joseph and Daniel" (17 min)
Discussion (17 min)
Break (17 min)
Max J. Lee, North Park Theological Seminary
"Paul in His Ancient Pluralistic Environment: Rethinking Greco-Roman "Backgrounds" (17 min)
Discussion (17 min)
Roundtable Discussion (14 min)
Interested in Presenting?
Contact May Young if you would like to present your research at Unscripted.
Past Presenters Include...
Daniel I. Morrison, All Saints Anglican Church, Springfield, MO
Where We Must Go from Here: Reading Acts as a Guide for Ethnic Relations
J. Richard Middleton, Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan College
Did Abraham Pass the Test in Genesis 22? Unbinding the Aqedah from the Straitjacket of Tradition
Brittany Kim, Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan College
Theological Educators as Priests, Midwives, and Freedom Fighters: Seeking a More Inclusive Pedagogy
Matthew Patton, Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Jazz Chords and Photo Negatives: Intertextual Analogies as the Key to Biblical Narrative
Nijay Gupta, Portland Seminary
Believers: Why the First Christians’ Religion was Strange, Dangerous—and Attractive
Marion Taylor, Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto
Who is in, Who is out, and Why: Rethinking the Canon of Biblical Scholarship
Esau McCaulley, Northeastern Seminary
Towards a New Testament Theology of Policing: Rom 13:4, Luke 3:14, and the Hopes of Black Christians
Christine Palmer, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
The High Priest in Glorious Array: Embodying the Meeting of Human and Divine