IBR Women: Regional Events

  Contact: Libby Backfish

The Regional Events allow IBR women to gather in smaller groups for networking, camaraderie, spiritual formation, and professional development.

IBR Regions


Pacific Region

Consider Your Calling

Date: May 18 - 19, 2022 (*optional self-guided writing or spiritual retreat on May 20)

Location: Serra Retreat Center in Malibu, CA

Program: Carmen Imes  (Speaker)  and Katya Covrett  (writing workshop) + breakout sessions

Cost:  $45+  $20 for optional second night; includes double-occupancy lodging and all meals.

Register HERE.


Southwest Region

Our Stories, Our Purpose

Date: April 9, 2022 from 10 am -4 pm

Location: Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University, Dallas TX

Program: A retreat day to foster integration between scholarly life and nurturing spiritual practice. Features include keynote speaker Lynn Cohick, a panel discussion, storytelling, and contemplative reflection.

Cost: $35

Register HERE.


Midwest Region

Living as Prophets: Lament and Hope in Community

Date: April 23, 2022; 8am-4pm (option to arrive April 22 for self-guided retreat)

Location: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL

Program: Ingrid Faro, May Young, Amy Peeler, and Kristen Johnson, Speakers

Cost: before March 1: $50 ($25 for students); includes breakfast and lunch on Saturday (+ $15 for retreat); March 1 - April 1: $70 ($45 for students). Registration closes on April 1.

Register HERE.