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Biblical Studies (Old Testament) Tenure Track Position

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Website Northwestern College

Northwestern College (Orange City, IA) seeks applicants for a full-time, tenure-track position in our Biblical and Theological Studies Department to begin August 2024. The successful candidate can expect to teach courses in biblical studies and Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. The teaching load for this position is 24 credit hours per academic year, normally three courses per semester. Teaching expectations include multiple sections of our introductory biblical studies course, which is a requirement in our general education program.

Required Qualifications: Candidates should hold a PhD or equivalent terminal degree in biblical studies with a specialization in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible or closely related area. Near-completion ABDs will also be considered. The successful candidate will demonstrate a keen ability to connect with our vibrant undergraduate students, sustain an active research program, and contribute to the life of the institution through faculty committees and other co-curricular service.

Preferred Qualifications: Our department is excited to welcome a new colleague who is devoted to providing our students with the personalized attention befitting a small, faith-based institution. Strongest consideration shall be given to those who are able to teach upper level Old Testament courses, biblical hermeneutics, and biblical Hebrew.

Northwestern College seeks candidates with an authentic Christian faith who are supportive of our Reformed, evangelical and ecumenical identity as stated in our Christian Identity Statement, and who embrace the college’s Mission, Vision for Learning and Vision for Diversity. We view these statements as complementary and draw from each in fulfilling our calling to be a Christian academic community.

Northwestern is committed to more fully reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of the body of Christ in its faculty, staff, administration and students. Women and candidates from historically underrepresented groups are enthusiastically encouraged to apply.

Apply online at and send a current CV and a letter of interest to [email protected]. In your letter, (1) summarize your teaching experience; (2) describe your scholarly trajectory; and (3) discuss how our Christian Identity Statement would inform and shape your teaching and scholarship.

Review of applications will begin on October 16, 2023, and continue until the position is filled.

To apply for this job please visit