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President’s Letter

In Updates by admin

Dear Fellows, Associates, and Friends of IBR:

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

A month from now many of us will be making our way to Atlanta. I am looking forward to seeing many of you there and confident you will find the annual meetings stimulating. I anticpate with eagerness the papers read by Richard Hess, Andrew Hill, and Clinton Arnold, and the responses of Ted Lewis, John Oswalt, and Frank Thielman, respectively. Then on Sunday morning we will gather for worship, to be inspired and encouraged in our walk of faith. We will be led by Wayne Johnson and hear the meditation by Bruce Winter, Warden of Tyndale House in Cambridge. You may find copies of the programs for each of these meetings in the AAR/SBL Program booklet under additional meetings, as well as on our Web Site. We are grateful to Jim Kinney and the folks at Baker Book House for agreeing to provide food and drinks for the reception after the Friday evening lecture.

I would encourage all to stay for the annual business meeting for all fellows of IBR, scheduled for Saturday, November 22, from 11:25–12:30. Among the reports to be presented will be the announcement that the Institute for Biblical Research has been duly and legally incorporated in the state of Delaware, which our attorney has established to have the finest corporation laws in the country. We are grateful to Douglas A. Bozell, of the Frost Brown Todd Law Firm, here in Louisville, KY, for his hard work on our behalf. Depending on the discussion by the Executive Committee on Friday, November 21, we also hope to present to you a final proposal regarding the relationship between IBR and the library in Fort Worth. Once this matter has been taken care of we can give some attention to the revision and streamlining of our Constitution.

Please continue to pray for us as we seek to conduct your business in accordance with your interests and for the long-range well being of IBR. In the mean time we will try to keep you posted on developments through the IBR Web Site. At this site you should find information regarding the organization and its members, including the annual Newsletter kindly edited by Brent Sandy. If any of you have suggestions for future programs for the IBR meetings or any other matters we will receive them gladly.

Until we meet in Atlanta, may God be with you all.


Daniel I. Block, President