On July 13, the Society of Biblical Literature announced the decision to move the annual conference into various online formats. As an Affiliate Member of SBL, IBR will be working with SBL in the days to come to plan for presentation of many of its sessions in online formats. Please watch this page for updates as we move forward. At this time, and in consultation with our plenary presenter, Sandra Richter, and our sponsoring publisher, Baker Academic, we decided to postpone the annual Friday lecture and reception until 2021.
Registration has opened for SBL. Please note that all participants in the IBR program must register for SBL in order to remain in the program, even in the online format. SBL indicates that all registration fees will be fully refundable until October 21, 2020.
The Research Groups for our 2020 Annual Meeting have now posted the description of their upcoming sessions on their group pages.