Website BibleProject
The BibleProject Fellowship is a 9-month program. The Visiting Scholar position is designed for post-doctorate candidates who have completed a terminal degree. This program offers you the option to work full-time or part-time, depending on what works best for you. This is an hourly position, and together, we’ll create a schedule that works best for everyone.
Visiting Scholars would be expected to:
- Commit to either a part-time (20-25 hours per week) or full-time (36-40 hours) position.
- Attend weekly team meetings (virtually).
- Travel twice a year for conferences and/or Scholarship team gatherings.
About this Role
An aspiring Visiting Scholar desires to contribute to the renewal and unity of the church through biblical studies and creative communication. Visiting Scholars will engage in research, writing, editing, and other content-creation activities, depending on skill and experience, and will engage in healthy dialogue around various theological topics.
Visiting Scholars will also practice the reading skills required to study Scripture as ancient Jewish meditation literature and explore what it means to read the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. This will involve regular study of biblical texts in their original languages in a collaborative research environment.
What You’ll Be Doing
Visiting Scholars will work directly with the Scholarship team on research projects that, in most cases, will later become BibleProject media and educational resources.
You will read and study Scripture in the literary paradigm used by its authors and editors.
You will contribute to collective discussions and research projects, learning from one another as the team explores. More specific responsibilities will be decided per individual based on the scholar’s interest, education, and skill.
What We Are Looking For
- Scholars who have completed a doctoral degree in biblical studies with established writing, journalism, or editing skills.
- Ability to explain complex ideas in clear, relatable language.
- Seasoned writers with established writing, journalism, or editing skills.
- Proficient Biblical Hebrew and Greek skills.
- Demonstrable experience in research, writing, and/or curriculum development.
- Teachable spirit with a desire to learn.
- Experience communicating in a cross-cultural context.
- Interest and openness to learn BibleProject’s Paradigm.
What We Are Hoping For
We aim to create a diverse scholar team, so we are actively soliciting applicants from various ethnic, racial, geographical, and Christian ecumenical backgrounds. In particular, we want to encourage any applicant who comes from a Catholic or Orthodox background to apply.
To apply for this job please visit