Early Christian Judaism

  Sponsor:  Jason Staples

Sat Nov 23
9:00 - 11:30 AM
Indigo 204B (Second Level) - Hilton Bayfront

For 2024, the theme of this section is "Jubilee(s)." The session includes papers that explore the concept of the Jubilee (or the book of Jubilees) and its influence and impact on earliest Christianity. Papers focus on issues related to liberation, debt forgiveness, redemption from captivity/enslavement, Sabbath, and eschatological restoration, including how they shaped early Christian teaching.

Doug Hoffer, University of Chicago
What Has Sinai to Do with Mamre? Connecting the Covenants with Jubilees and Paul (20 min)

Jennifer Guo, University of Notre Dame, Respondent (5 min)

Discussion (5 min)

Kyle Sherling, Rice University
Renewing the Luminaries: Deforming and Reestablishing Cosmic Order in Jubilees and Paul (20 min)

David Burnett, University of Edinburgh, Respondent (5 min)

Discussion (5 min)

Raymond Morehouse, Inherit the Earth Outreach
The End of Sacrifices: Catastrophic Covenant Infidelity and the Efficacy of the Cult (20 min)

Jason A. Staples, NC State University, Respondent (5 min)

Discussion (5 min)

Paul T. Sloan, Houston Christian University
Turn the Other Cheek: Forgiving Debts in Jesus' Eschatological Nomism (20 min)

Jonathan T. Pennington, Southern Seminary, Respondent (5 min)
Discussion (5 min)