Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar
Fri Nov 22
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Indigo D (Second Level) - Hilton Bayfront
Reading Leviticus as Christian Scripture: Hermeneutical, Intertextual, and Formational Reflections
The Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar has initiated a multi-year project: Reading Difficult Texts as Christian Scripture. The focus for each year will be a particularly difficult biblical book or text, and each trimester we host an online discussion to wrestle with different dimensions of reading the text as Christian Scripture.
This year, Leviticus was the subject of our reflections. Leviticus is the literary and symbolic center of the Torah, and it functions as the beating heart of Israel’s life of worship. This book that was so vital to God’s people in the Old Testament seems so foreign to the people of God today. Because its contents (including countless rites and instructions) are so difficult for us to relate to and understand, we often simply ignore Leviticus or distort its teaching to make it palatable.
Over the course of 2024, the SAHS invited participants to reflect on Leviticus hermeneutically with Drs. AJ Culp and Dru Johnson, intertextually with Drs. Geoff Harper and Michael Graves, and formationally with Rev. Dr. Amy F. Davis Abdallah and Dr. Christine Palmer. These individuals expertly helped us navigate this difficult biblical text and helped to open it up as Christian Scripture today.
This event marks the culmination of our year’s work on Leviticus. We have invited a senior scholar with expertise in Leviticus and a New Testament scholar to offer their insights, reflections, and engagement with our year’s work, followed by a guided discussion. We hope to have the project’s presenters in attendance and will welcome their participation.
David Beldman, Missional Training Center, and AJ Culp, New College, University of New South Wales (5 min)
Opening Liturgy
William Olhausen, Trustee/KLC, Presiding (5 min)
Jay Sklar, Covenant Theological Seminary, A Leviticus Scholar’s Reflections on the Reading Leviticus as Christian Scripture Project (20 min)
Tyran Laws, Prairie College
A New Testament Scholar’s Reflections on the Reading Leviticus as Christian Scripture Project (20 min)
Break (10 min)
Members of the SAHS Committee (45 min)
Liturgy and Closing
William Olhausen, Trustee/KLC, Presiding (5 min)
1:00 to 3:30 pm
Salon M
The Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar is continuing its multi-year project: Spiritual Formation and Biblical Interpretation. In a paper presentation at last year's seminar Dr. Megan Roberts introduced the notion of memory into the discussion of spiritual formation and sparked a stimulating discussion. Catalyzing on that discussion and in recognition of the foundational role memory has to play biblically in communal and individual formation, this year’s theme will explore the intersection of Scripture, memory, and formation. This is obviously a massive and multi-faceted topic. Through an introductory presentation and three more focused papers, we hope to open up a fruitful discussion about this important topic. For more information, contact Dave Beldman ([email protected]) and AJ Culp ([email protected]), or visit the KLC website (
William Olhausen, Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Welcome (5 min)
Opening Liturgy
Susan Bubbers, The Center for Anglican Theology, Presiding (5 min)
David Beldman, The Missional Training Center and AJ Culp, New College, University of New South Wales
Memory, Spiritual Formation, and Interpretation (25 min)
Megan Roberts, Prairie College
Poetic Imagination as a Memory Vector for Emotional Healing: Zion's Memory Formation in Isaiah 49–54 (25 min)
Break (10 min)
Lissa Wray Beal, Wycliffe College, Toronto
The Book of Jeremiah: Memory as Repentance and Restoration (25 min)
Lindsey Croston, Southeastern University
Forming Identity through Gospel Participation: Memory, Testimony, and Calling in Galatians (25 min)
Discussion (25 min)
Closing Liturgy
Susan Bubbers, The Center for Anglican Theology, Presiding (5 min)
Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Governor's Square 15 (Plaza Tower - Concourse Level) - Sheraton Downtown (SD)
When asked about how a student could excel in biblical exegesis, Brevard Childs answered, “If you want to do better exegesis, become a deeper person.” This raises the question, how does one become a deeper person such that it enhances one’s interpretation of the Bible? The SAHS is embarking on a multi-year project on spiritual formation and biblical interpretation. This project will consider (among other things) two main questions: (1) What is the role of spiritual formation in biblical interpretation? (2) How does Scripture as God’s instruction provide resources for thinking about and submitting to the process of spiritual formation? The chairs welcome feedback and those interested in this project are encouraged to get in touch. There will likely be associated virtual sessions on this topic throughout the year so please keep an eye on website for the Kirby Laing Centre (and/or subscribe to the KLC newsletter). For more information, please contact Dave Beldman ([email protected]) and AJ Culp ([email protected]).
A.J. Culp, Lakewood Baptist Church, Welcome (5 min)
David Beldman, Redeemer University College, Welcome
Opening Liturgy
Susan Bubbers, The Center for Anglican Theology, Presiding (5 min)
William Olhausen, Church of Ireland Theological Institute
A Table in the Wilderness? Hermeneutics and Spiritual Formation (25 min)
Jessica Hooten Wilson, University of Dallas
Reading for the Love of God (25 min)
Break (10 min)
Megan Roberts, Prairie College
Memory Formation as Spiritual Formation: Broken Memory and Isaiah's Vision of Comfort (25 min)
John DelHousaye, Arizona Christian University
Today you will be with me in PaRDeS’: Gospels, Spiritual Formation, and Quadriga (25 min)
Discussion (25 min)
Closing Liturgy
This year the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar is devoted to building out from its 2002 volume: A Royal Priesthood? The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically. A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, Volume 3). That volume engaged O’Donovan’s Desire of the Nations. This year, a stellar group of scholars from multiple disciplines will revisit and engage O’Donovan’s ongoing work in a review panel, especially his recent “Ethics as Theology” Trilogy (Self, World and Time; Finding and Seeking; Entering into Rest), with the aim of exploring some new trajectories in contemporary Christian Ethics.
- Heath Thomas, Oklahoma Baptist University, Introduction (5 min)
- Ian Clausen, Villanova University, Panelist (15 min)
- Craig Bartholomew, Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics (Cambridge), Panelist (15 min)
- Kristen Deede Johnson, Western Theological Seminary, Panelist (15 min)
- Break (15 min)
- Matthew Arbo, Oklahoma Baptist University , Panelist (15 min)
- Amber Bowen, Trinity College, Bristol (UK) , Panelist (15 min)
- Discussion (35 min)
- William Olhausen, Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Closing (5 min)
This year, SAHS will run a joint session with the SBL Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures Section. Theme: An Engagement with Jeremiah Unterman's Justice for All.
Heath Thomas, Oklahoma Baptist University, Presiding
Peter J. Williams, Tyndale House (Cambridge), Panelist (15 min)
A.J. Culp, Panelist (15 min)
Luke Wisley, University of Cambridge, Panelist (15 min)
Break (10 min)
Dru Johnson, The King's College (New York), Panelist (15 min)
Marvin Sweeney, Claremont School of Theology, Panelist (15 min)
Soo Kim, Panelist (15 min)
Jeremiah Unterman, Respondent (20 min)
Discussion (30 min)
Heath A. Thomas, Oklahoma Baptist University, Presiding
Heath Thomas, Oklahoma Baptist University, Welcome (5 min)
Opening Liturgy
William Olhausen, St. Matthias’ Church and Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland,
Scripture Reading and Prayer (5 min) -
Jason Hood, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston Campus
God’s Empire: Exploring the Structure of the Kingdom in the Gospels (15 min) -
David J. H. Beldman, Redeemer University College
“Where Now Is Your King?” The Kingdom of God in Judges (15 min) -
Lynn H. Cohick, Wheaton College (Illinois)
“The Kingdom of Christ and of God” (Eph 5:5): Kingdom in Ephesians and Philippians (15 min) -
Break (20 min)
Julien Smith, Valparaiso University
The Transforming Image of the Ideal King: Paul’s Apostolic Defense (2 Cor 2:14–4:6) in Light of Greco-Roman Political Ideology (15 min) -
Walter Strickland, Southeastern Seminary
Interpreting the Kingdom of God: The Ethics of Black Liberation in James Cone and J. Deotis Roberts (15 min) -
Discussion (35 min)
Closing Liturgy
William Olhausen, St. Matthias’ Church and Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland,
Scripture Reading and Prayer (10 min)
Nov. 19, 4:00–6:30pm 306 (Third Level) – Hynes Convention Center (HCC)
The Kingdom of God
- Heath Thomas, Oklahoma Baptist University, Presiding
- Heath Thomas, Oklahoma Baptist University, Welcome (5 min)
- Opening Liturgy
- Heath A. Thomas, Oklahoma Baptist University
‘The Kingdom of God is Among You’: Retrieval of the Kingdom for Today (15 min) - Catherine McDowell, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
The Image of God and the Kingdom of God (15 min) - Sandra Richter, Wheaton College (Illinois)
The Kingship of God in Deuteronomy (15 min) - Break (15 min)
- Brant Pitre, Notre Dame Seminary, Graduate School of Theology
The Last Supper and the Kingdom of God (15 min) - Jonathan Pennington, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
The Sermon on the Mount and the Kingdom of God (15 min) - Discussion (40 min)
- Closing Liturgy
Nov. 19, 4:00–6:00pm Stars at Night 1 (3rd Level) – Convention Center (CC)
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