2025 Schedule Forthcoming
Fri Nov 22
3:30 - 5:30 PM
Indigo 202A (Second Level) - Hilton Bayfront
Theme: Atonement in Historical Perspective
R. Lucas Stamps, Anderson University (5 min)
Opening Liturgy
William Olhausen, Trustee/KLC, Presiding (5 min)
Stephen Presley, Center for Religion, Culture, and Democracy and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
The Victory of the Atonement in the Early Church (20 min)
Benjamin Wheaton, Houghton University
Atonement in the Middle Ages (20 min)
Christopher Woznicki, Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Baptist Theological Seminary
He Became Accursed For Us’: Debt, Punishment, and Satisfaction among Second Generation Reformers (20 min)
Break (10 min)
Patrick McGlinchey, Church of Ireland Theological Institute
Joseph Ratzinger’s Unique Contribution to Atonement Theology (20 min)
R. Lucas Stamps, Anderson University (45 min)
Closing Liturgy
William Olhausen, Trustee/KLC, Presiding (5 min)
9:00 to 11:30 am
Salon K
Figural Christology and the Doctrine of the Atonement
Figural Christology and the Doctrine of the Atonement Various motifs in the New Testament theology of atonement are often figural in character. They interpret the death of Christ through the lens of one or more figures in Israel's Scriptures (e.g., Abraham's sacrifice of his beloved son, the Passover lamb, the Yom Kippur sacrifices, and the Suffering Servant). This seminar explores the relationship between Scripture and doctrine by revisiting and developing a number of these figural atonement motifs both exegetically and theologically. For more information, contact Geoffrey Fulkerson ([email protected]) or visit the KLC website (http://kirbylaingcentre.co.uk).
Geoffrey Fulkerson, Dordt College, Welcome (5 min)
Opening Liturgy
Susan Bubbers, The Center for Anglican Theology, Presiding (5 min)
R. W. L. Moberly, University of Durham
Genesis 22 and the Father's Giving of the Beloved Son as a Sacrifice via Romans 8:32 (25 min)
Madison N. Pierce, Western Theological Seminary
Christ as Both Priest and Sacrifice via Leviticus and Hebrews (25 min)
Break (10 min)
Katherine Sonderegger, Virginia Theological Seminary
The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 and Chalcedonian Christology (25 min)
Adam Johnson, Biola University, Respondent (10 min)
Christopher Seitz, Toronto School of Theology, Wycliffe College, Respondent (10 min)
Discussion (30 min)
Closing Liturgy
Susan Bubbers, The Center for Anglican Theology, Presiding (5 min)
Scripture and Doctrine Seminar
1:00 PM to 3:15 PM
Governor's Square 15 (Plaza Tower - Concourse Level) - Sheraton Downtown (SD)
Recent decades have witnessed several fruitful attempts to bridge the gap between the often-siloed disciplines of biblical studies and Christian doctrine. Many of these efforts have been carried out under the banner of the “theological interpretation of Scripture” (TIS). The TIS movement (to the degree that it can be considered such) is a loose affiliation of scholars from both sides of the Scripture/doctrine divide with many variations of perspective and emphasis. One of the major issues of debate among TIS proponents concerns the role of philosophy, and more specifically philosophical hermeneutics, in both the exegetical and theological task. To speak in very broad terms, TIS proponents are variously influenced by continental, analytic, and classical (e.g., Thomistic) modes of thought on these important philosophical issues. These debates provide the backdrop for this year’s seminar, which features papers on the theme, Theology, Philosophy, and Biblical Interpretation. For those interested in learning more, please contact Lucas Stamps ([email protected]).
Opening Liturgy & Introduction (10 min)
Steve J. Duby, Phoenix Seminary
Biblical Authority and the Role of Philosophy (20 min)
Thomas McCall, Asbury Theological Seminary
Theological Exegesis and Predestinarian Polemics: Early Modern Scholastic Theology as a Case Study at the Intersection of Metaphysics and Hermeneutics (20 min)
Judith Wolfe, St. Mary's College, University of St. Andrews
Renewal of Perception in Philosophy, Faith and Scripture (20 min)
Break (10 min)
Craig Bartholomew, Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology (Cambridge, UK), Respondent (10 min)
Amber Bowen, Redeemer University, Respondent (10 min)
Discussion (30 min)
Closing Liturgy & Conclusion (15 min)
Not meeting 2021.
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Benjamin Quinn, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Presiding
Benjamin Quinn, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Welcome (10 min)
Steve Harris, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Hebrews in Historical Theology: The Contours (20 min)
Craig Bartholomew, KLICE, Tyndale House, Cambridge
Creation, the Ongoing Priesthood of Jesus, and Divine Action in Hebrews (15 min)
Gareth Cockerill, Wesley Biblical Seminary
The Present Priesthood of the Son of God (15 min)
Break (3 min)
Luke Stamps, Anderson University
“No One Greater”: Hebrews and Classical Christian Theism (15 min)
Scott Hahn, Franciscan University of Steubenville
Covenant, Sacrifice, and Divine Action in Hebrews (15 min)
Break (2 min)
Q&A Panel with Presenters
Discussion (40 min)
Q&A Additional Panelists
Michael Rhodes, Memphis Center for Urban Theological Studies, Panelist
Amy Peeler, Wheaton College, Panelist
Closing Prayer
Nov. 19, 4:00–6:30pm 103 (Plaza Level) – Hynes Convention Center (HCC)
This year’s theme is Divine Action and Hebrews: The Ongoing Priesthood of Jesus.
Benjamin Quinn, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Presiding
Benjamin Quinn, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Introduction
Craig Bartholomew, Redeemer University College and Luke Stamps, California Baptist University
Context Setting Introduction (5 min)
Andrew Pinsent, Oxford University
The Second-Person Perspective on Divine Action in Hebrews (20 min)
Amy Peeler, Wheaton College (Illinois)
A Fearful Thing to Fall Into the Hands of a Living God: Divine Action In Human Salvation (20 min)
Alan Torrance, University of St. Andrews
What does the Continuing Priesthood of Christ tell us about the Doctrine of God? (20 min)
Mary Healy, Sacred Heart Major Seminary
The Holy Spirit and Christ’s Ongoing Priesthood in Hebrews (20 min)
Break (10 min)
Panel discussion, with Scott Hahn, Franciscan University of Steubenville, joining the panel
Discussion (55 min)
Nov. 18, 1:00–3:45pm Lone Star F (2nd Level) – Grand Hyatt (GH)